Property must be in the state of California.
Not all properties qualify for this offer. An in-person tour of your property is required to engage in a contractual relationship with this brokerage and form an agreement for ½ % listing. Properties with legal or banking issues, tenants, land only, remote, commercial, farm and ranch, access and availability, and other properties may not be qualified for this offer but maybe
qualified for other discount listing offers.
Not all Sellers will have the same level of savings. Savings are set on a percentage of the final gross purchase price of the property.
Brokerage and Broker Agent reserve the right to refuse any listing. Property must be under listing contract by date on this ad.
Listing offer does not include Buyer Broker Commission in keeping with the recent real estate settlement.
Seller may cancel with 30 day notification in writing. Listing maybe subject to terms and conditions of cancellation presented at time of listing.
This advertisement is not a contract for services.
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