House Hacking Pros And Cons Explained

Have you ever heard of house hacking? It’s a real estate strategy that allows you to live in a property while renting out part of it to generate income. This approach helps offset your living expenses and can even pave the way to financial independence. Here’s a breakdown of what house hacking entails, along with its benefits and drawbacks. What Is House Hacking? House hacking involves purchasing a property, living in one part of it, and renting out the other parts. The most common setup is buying a multi-family property (like a duplex or triplex) and renting out the other…
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Moving From An Apartment To A House? Here’s What You Need To Remember About Your Lease

The major problem that the vast majority of buyers will run into - especially when purchasing their first home - has to do with a lease agreement that is still active with their apartment complex at the time of the purchase. If you locate the perfect home in February but your lease isn't over until August, you can't be expected to wait around. But at the same time, the remainder of that lease agreement could represent thousands of dollars that you'll be paying to essentially "live" in two different places at the same time. Luckily, all hope is not lost.…
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