How Economic Trends Influence Mortgage Lending

As a consumer, understanding these economic trends can empower you to make informed decisions about your mortgage. Let’s discuss some key economic factors that influence mortgage lending and what they mean for you. Interest Rates: The Pulse of Mortgage Lending Interest rates are perhaps the most significant economic indicator affecting mortgage lending. When the Federal Reserve adjusts its benchmark interest rate, it directly impacts the rates banks offer on mortgages. Low-Interest Rates: In a low-interest-rate environment, borrowing costs decrease, making mortgages more affordable. This often leads to increased home buying, as lower monthly payments are more attractive to consumers. High-Interest…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – October 23, 2023

This week featured the usual retail sales report which shows consumer demand and as well as an indicator of the velocity of money, not only for consumers but business to business as well. An increase would show an increase in national and local increase in economic activity, which is important as we move into Q4 of the year; where the holiday season is expected to see an increase in consumer activity. Retail Sales Retail sales have exceeded expectations this month showing month-to-month increases across the board: Retail sales are up 0.7% from the previous month with an expected increase of…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – September 5, 2023

Last week’s economic reporting included readings on inflation, consumer sentiment, and weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims.    Inflation Rates Are Similar in August Month-to-month, the inflation rate holds relatively steady at 3.18 percent. This is slightly up when compared to 2.97 percent last month; however, it is significantly lower than the rate of 8.52 percent last year. When compared to the long-term average, inflation is trending in the right direction, as the long-term average is 3.2 percent. Inflation rose at a pace of 0.20 percent in July and met analysts’ expectations. There was no change in the…
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S&P Case-Shiller Housing Market Indices: Short Supply of Homes for Sale Pushes Prices Up

April readings for S&P Case-Shiller’s Housing Market Indices showed gains in home prices throughout the U.S. Rising prices were caused by shortages of previously-owned homes for sale and increasing buyer demand as the average 30-year mortgage rate exceeded six percent.  The southeastern region lost its top spot on S&P Case-Shiller’s 20-City Home Price Index as Chicago, Illinois, Atlanta, Georgia, and Tampa, Florida held the top three year-over-year home price growth rates for April. Chicago, Illinois Breaks Southeast’s Lead on April Home Price Growth The top three cities with the highest home price growth rates as reported in April’s   S&P Case-Shiller’s…
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The Importance Of Pre-Approval During The Homebuying Process

If you want to buy a home in the near future, you are probably aware of just how competitive the housing market is. You need to put yourself in the best position possible to be successful by getting pre-approved for a home loan. This is a very important step, particularly when you compete against people making cash offers. Learn more about the importance of getting pre-approved below, and make sure your offer is taken seriously. A Pre-Approval Letter Shows You Are Serious The first reason why you need to get a pre-approval letter is that it will show any potential…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – August 1, 2022

Last week’s economic news included readings on home price growth, new and pending home sales, and inflation. Weekly reports on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released. S&P Case-Shiller: Home Price Growth Slows in May Home prices rose at a slower pace in May according to the S&P Case-Shiller National Home Price Index. Year-over-year home prices rose by 19.70 percent in May as compared to April’s year-over-year reading of 20.60 percent in home price appreciation. Tampa, Florida led S&P Case-Shiller’s 20-City Home Price Index with 36.10 percent year-over-year home price growth. Miami, Florida followed with 34.00 percent home price…
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